New Years Clearing & Declaration Instructions
2021 was an interesting year for all of us. Besides all the social and political events, we’ve also had our own personal events. So we will be using New Years Day as an opportunity to clear all of the old negative energies and emotions that have built up in 2021 (and even before that), and then we will declare what we want to manifest in 2022 (and years moving forward). Even kids can do this process.
The process is simple and can be done any time of your choosing on New Years Day. (Doing this event as a collective on the same day will make it an even more powerful process, the same way our collective mass meditations do - global collaborations have a significant impact on the collective consciousness, and can actually be measured. We have a page about the science of this, here).
Here’s how to do the clearing:
Get a blank piece of paper (one that you will fine with shredding, burying or burning)
With pen or pencil, write a list of the things you no longer want, starting with “I’m done with…”
These can be personal things, or collective/society things, or a combination of both.
i.e. “I’m done with the violence, I’m done with the separation, I’m done with struggling financially”
On a new piece of paper, write the things you declare to manifest in 2022 and beyond, starting with “I am choosing…”
i.e. “I am choosing sovereignty, I am choosing freedom, I am choosing abundance, I am choosing love”
or, you can start each sentence with “I live in a world where…”
i.e. “I live in a world where there is peace, I live in a world where everybody has food and water”
Then, burn, shred or bury only the first piece of paper (the “I’m done” list). Please use a can/bowl of some sort if you burn it.
You can do whatever you want with the other paper, keep it and put it somewhere safe, but then you can forget about it. (You have set the intentions for what you want, now you can let it go and detach from the outcome. Know that it is all coming).
BONUS: Freedom From The Past Through Forgiveness
This is another simple but extremely powerful process that can and should also be done on New Years. It involves writing a letter to the people who have hurt or wronged you (don’t worry, you won’t actually be giving them the letter - but on a psychological and energetic level, it’s as if you had). The most important part is truly forgiving them, regardless of what they had done. This doesn’t have to be specifically things that happened in 2021. It can be anything that happened before 2021 - you can go all the way back to your childhood, if you want.
It won’t be easy to forgive everybody. But as long as you are holding this anger, this grudge towards other people, you are giving them your power. As long as you still have that anger in your heart for whatever they did, you are giving them a piece of yourself, you are allowing them to take your power away. A part of you stays stuck there, back when it happened, and it stays stuck there until you truly forgive them and move on. So, take a moment to think about who hurt you or wronged you - it’s best to focus on the moments that you really stuck with you, or that you still hold anger/resentment about. Don’t worry so much about the little things, unless you want to - then you can write a short letter to those people too. But start with the big ones, think about what happened and what they did, and decide that you are going to forgive them - truly forgive them.
Once you do that, write a short letter to them. Start with telling them how their actions affected you. Make it clear that their actions hurt you and left an impact. Maybe it was something they didn’t do - maybe they weren’t there for you. Go into as much detail as you want, and really let your feelings out. Then let them know that you forgive them, and that you have moved on. You can even tell them “thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow through learning forgiveness and moving past anger and resentment”. The truth is, their actions may have been wrong but they were still a part of your experience and personal/emotional/spiritual development.
When you have finished writing the letters, you can shred them, bury them or burn them. That’s it! You should feel a sense of freedom, a lightness, and as if you have let go of a ton of weights that were pulling you down. Embrace that feeling of freedom and sovereignty, and if you want, thank the universe for giving you all the experiences it has given you. Then go do something fun, you deserve it!
Here is a good ambient meditation track that you can use to assist with the above clearing processes.